Spring Boot fails to serialize entity id in @ResponseBody

Spring boot @ResponseBody doesn’t serialize entity id


Spring Boot is a popular Java framework that simplifies the development of web applications.


The @ResponseBody annotation in Spring Boot is used to bind the return value of a method to the web response body.

However, there are cases where entity IDs are not serialized by default.


When using @ResponseBody in Spring Boot to return an entity object, the entity ID may not be serialized in the response JSON.

This can be a problem if the ID is an important piece of information that needs to be included in the response.


To ensure that the entity ID is serialized in the response JSON when using @ResponseBody in Spring Boot, you can use the @JsonInclude annotation on the entity class to include non-null values in serialization.

Additionally, you can customize the serialization process by creating a custom serializer for the entity class that includes the ID field in the response JSON.

Key points to address:

– @ResponseBody annotation in Spring Boot
– Entity id serialization issue

Explain the Core Concept:

When using Spring Boot’s `@ResponseBody` annotation to return an entity in a RESTful service, by default, only the entity’s fields are serialized into the response JSON.

The entity’s id field is not included in the serialization process.

Different Solutions with code samples:

1. Use @JsonIdentityInfo annotation on the entity class to handle cyclic references:
@JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class, property = “id”)
public class Entity {
// entity fields and methods


By using the @JsonIdentityInfo annotation on the entity class, you can ensure that the entity id is serialized properly in Spring Boot’s @ResponseBody responses.

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