Remove @Component for Efficient @ComponentScan

exclude @Component from @ComponentScan


@ComponentScan in Spring is used to scan and detect components annotated with @Component, @Repository, @Service, and @Controller annotations.


@Component annotation is used to mark a class as a Spring component.

When the @ComponentScan annotation is used, Spring scans packages for classes annotated with @Component and other stereotype annotations and registers them as Spring beans.


When using @ComponentScan, all classes annotated with @Component are automatically detected and registered as beans.

In some cases, we may want to exclude certain classes from being picked up by the component scan.


One way to exclude classes annotated with @Component from @ComponentScan is to specify the basePackageClasses attribute of the @ComponentScan annotation.

This attribute allows you to specify which classes or packages should be scanned for components.

By specifying specific classes or packages, you can exclude certain components from being picked up by the component scan.

Key points to address:

– Need to exclude a specific component from being scanned by the @ComponentScan annotation

Sure! Here is the key-value template:

Explain the Core Concept:

@ComponentScan is used to specify the base packages for scanning components for inclusion in the Spring context.

Different Solutions with code samples:

Solution 1: Use basePackages attribute in @ComponentScan to exclude specific packages

@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.example" }, excludeFilters = @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ANNOTATION, classes = Component.class))
public class AppConfig {
    // Configuration code

Solution 2: Use excludeFilters attribute in @ComponentScan to exclude specific components

@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.example" }, excludeFilters = @Filter(Component.class))
public class AppConfig {
    // Configuration code


By using the basePackages or excludeFilters attribute in @ComponentScan, you can exclude specific packages or components, including those annotated with @Component, from being picked up during component scanning.

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