Spring Boot Actuator Standalone

Spring Boot Actuator without Spring Boot



Spring Boot Actuator is a set of production-ready tools provided by Spring Boot to help monitor and manage your application.



Spring Boot Actuator exposes various endpoints that allow you to view and interact with metrics, application health, configuration properties, etc.



Using Spring Boot Actuator usually requires using Spring Boot as the framework for your application.



If you want to use Spring Boot Actuator without Spring Boot, you can manually configure the actuator endpoints in a traditional Spring application by adding the necessary dependencies and configuration.

You would need to add the actuator dependency to your project, configure the necessary endpoints, and manage the exposed features manually.

It might involve more effort and configuration, but it is possible to leverage some benefits of Spring Boot Actuator in a non-Spring Boot application.

Key points to address:

– Ways to use Spring Boot Actuator without Spring Boot
– Dependencies that need to be manually configured
– Configuring and customizing endpoints
– Potential limitations and challenges of using Spring Boot Actuator without Spring Boot

– Core Concept:

Explain the Core Concept:

Spring Boot Actuator is a set of production-ready features provided by the Spring Boot framework to help monitor and manage your application.

It includes functionalities such as health checks, metrics, auditing, and more.

Different Solutions with code samples:

1. Manual configuration of Spring Boot Actuator:

public class ActuatorConfiguration {

    public HealthIndicator customHealthIndicator() {
        return () -> Health.up().build();

    public Endpoint<String> customEndpoint() {
        return () -> "Custom Endpoint";


2. Using Spring’s Endpoint API:

public class CustomEndpointsConfiguration {

    public CustomEndpoint customEndpoint(MyProperties properties) {
        return new CustomEndpoint(properties);



By manually configuring Spring Boot Actuator or using Spring’s Endpoint API, you can incorporate Actuator functionality into your Spring application without using Spring Boot.

It allows you to monitor and manage your application’s health and metrics effectively.

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