The Purpose of @ConditionalOnProperty Annotation

What is purpose of @ConditionalOnProperty annotation?


@ConditionalOnProperty is a Spring Boot annotation that allows for conditional bean registration based on the presence or value of a specified property.


This annotation is widely used in Spring Boot applications to conditionally create or initialize beans based on configuration properties.


In some scenarios, it is necessary to conditionally create beans or configure certain components based on external or application.yml properties.


@ConditionalOnProperty annotation allows developers to specify conditions that must be met in the configuration properties in order for a bean to be created or initialized.

This provides a way to fine-tune the initialization process based on the application’s configuration.

Key points to address:

– @ConditionalOnProperty annotation is used in Spring Boot to conditionally create or configure a bean based on the presence or value of a specific property in the application’s configuration.

– It is useful for enabling or disabling certain functionality in the application based on the properties set in the configuration file.

– The annotation allows developers to define conditions that need to be met for a bean to be loaded into the Spring context.

Explain the Core Concept:

@ConditionalOnProperty is a Spring Framework annotation used to conditionally enable or disable Spring beans based on the presence or value of specified properties in the application’s environment.

This annotation allows the configuration of beans to be dynamic, depending on the external configuration properties, therefore providing flexibility in managing bean creation and injection based on the application’s environment settings.

Different Solutions with code samples:

@ConditionalOnProperty annotation is used in Spring Boot to conditionally enable a bean or a configuration based on the presence or value of a property in the application’s environment.

This allows for more flexibility and control over which components to enable based on external configurations.

Here is an example of how @ConditionalOnProperty can be used:

public class MyConfiguration {
    @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "myapp.feature.enabled", havingValue = "true")
    public MyBean myBean() {
        return new MyBean();

In this example, the bean MyBean will only be created if the property “myapp.feature.enabled” is set to “true” in the application’s properties or YAML file.


@ConditionalOnProperty annotation in Spring Boot provides a way to conditionally enable beans or configurations based on the presence or value of specific properties.

This allows for more flexibility and control over the application’s behavior without the need to change the code.

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