Missing hibernate_sequence Table in DBNAME

Table ‘DBNAME.hibernate_sequence’ doesn’t exist




Table ‘DBNAME.hibernate_sequence’ doesn’t exist.


Key points to address:

– Issue: Table ‘DBNAME.hibernate_sequence’ is not found in the database.

– Possible causes for the error.- Steps to resolve the issue.

Explain the Core Concept:

This error message suggests that there is a missing table named ‘hibernate_sequence’ in the database with the name ‘DBNAME’.

Hibernate uses this table to generate unique identifiers for entities.

Different Solutions with code samples:

1. Check Spring Boot configuration to ensure that hibernate.ddl-auto is set to update or create in application.properties or application.yml file:

    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DBNAME
    username: username
    password: password
      ddl-auto: update

2. Manually create the hibernate_sequence table in your database using the following SQL query:
CREATE TABLE hibernate_sequence (
next_val BIGINT
INSERT INTO hibernate_sequence VALUES (1);

3. If you are using JPA with GenerationType.IDENTITY strategy, you can remove the GenerationType.IDENTITY and manually assign the primary key value in your code.


The error indicates that the hibernate_sequence table is missing in the database.

By checking and adjusting the Spring Boot configuration, manually creating the table, or changing the GenerationType strategy, you can resolve the issue.

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